What is the ViaRhôna?
The ViaRhôna is the name of the French section (which also includes a short section in Switzerland) of the EuroVelo 17 “Rhone Cycle Route” which follows the course of the river from its source (Andermatt) to its mouth into the Mediterranean. The ViaRhôna is 650 km long (EuroVelo 17 is 1,050 km long in total).
To date (April 2021), although not 100% finished, it is possible to complete almost all of it following dedicated roads. The sections which are less well developped are:
– After Evian heading towards Thonon (where you have to ride along a busy road)
– Leaving Lyon heading south
It is worth noting that certain sections are on quiet country roads (before the French-Swiss border in Chancy).
What is attractive about the ViaRhôna?
The ViaRhôna offers diversity, both in terms of landscapes and sites. You will discover lots about the local heritage, architecture and gastronomy of each region that you ride through.
Who can ride the ViaRhôna?
It is an ideal route for people who want to avoid riding on busy roads with lots of traffic. It is therefore an ideal route for families or novice cyclists.
Apart from certain sections between Saint-Gingolph and Thonon and Geneva and Seyssel, it is a relatively flat route and so accessible to all types of cyclist… there is no need to be super fit!
What type of bike do you recommend using?
As the ViaRhôna is mainly a paved route, all types of bike are suitable. We recommend that you use the type of bike you are most comfortable riding. For the few sections which are unpaved/on gravel, a hybrid, electric or gravel bike would be more suitable than a racing bike.
Is the route well-signed?
Each year, the route signing has improved and is easy to follow on the whole. That being said, there are certain sections (leaving Geneva and Lyon for example) which can be confusing. We strongly recommend that you use a GPS or navigation app onto which you download the itinerary in GPX form (this is available on the official site of the ViaRhôna).
Is there accommodation and restaurants?
The accommodation options along the ViaRhôna are generally family friendly hotels, guesthouses or small campsites…it is best to plan ahead and book in advance.
What does Geneva Cycling offer along the ViaRhôna?
We offer a number of different services catering to a wide range of cyclist’s needs:
– Bike Rental: we offer 4 types of bike available to hire in the Greater Geneva area. Depending on the number of bikes rented, it is possible for us to collect them from anywhere between Saint-Gingolph and Valence. The bikes we can offer are:
– Luggage transfers between Geneva and Lyon
– Package options such as the ViaRhôna from Geneva to Lyon
To find out more about the ViaRhôna:
– The official site of the ViaRhôna: https://en.viarhona.com/cycle-route
– The official site of EuroVelo 17: https://en.eurovelo.com/ev17
– Contact us: info@genevacycling.com